Banff Pipeline Workshop

This event has ended.

Pipetech will be attending the Banff Pipeline Workshop.

We look forward to discussing innovative ideas, industry trends and challenges with you at this event.

Stop by our booth to learn more about our selections of Pigs, Gaskets, and Pig Signallers.

E-Pig Scanning & Tracking Technology - Pipetech Corporation

Learn about the E-Pig System

The E-Pig System utilized Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology in production pigs, sizing rings, launch and receive pig traps to create a fully digital record of a producer’s pigging activity.

The implementation of this system allows you to scan RFID tags to record time, date, frequency, location, pipeline, substance, flow, debris and all other information associated with pigging activities automatically.

E-Pig Tracking Tool - Pipetech Corporation

E-Pig Product Features

  • Eliminate operators from entering information in paper pigging logs and then re-entering that into computers
  • Also eliminates errors in interpreting poor hand-written paper pigging logs
  • Utilizing the E-Pig Tablet allows pictures to be taken to show pigging results, ie: the debris that the pig brought in
  • Creates uniform pigging records
  • Information gathered by the E-Pigging system is easy to access and up-to-date
  • Implementing the E-Pig system will also enhance regulatory compliance assurance

Want to reach out?

Contact us directly, here